Thursday, September 27, 2012

President's Dinner

Hello MASC,
Looking forward to seeing all of our student council presidents and their advisors at our annual President's Dinner.  A special thank you to the staff and students of Blackstone Valley Technical High School for hosting this wonderful event and preparing such an amazing meal!  It should be a GREAT time!  See you tonight.  ~ Branagan

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Welcome Back, MASC!!

On behalf of the entire State Executive I welcome you to our new blog!  We hope you will check back often to check-in on updates on events and ideas to help make your student council even better!  Mark your calendar for the MASC President's Dinner, which will be held at Blackstone Valley Technical High School in Upton on Thursday, September 27th!  The event begins at 6:00pm.  Registration is scheduled to close for this event on Thursday, September, you and your president do not want to miss out.

Truly in Leadership,
